
When summer arrives, most students either look for a summer job or travel with their families. Several Grant Career Center students competed on the National Stage this summer. A Career Tech Student Organization is affiliated with each career program at Grant Career Center (CTSO). Each CTSO has competitions at the local, regional, state, and national levels. Students compete in events that highlight their abilities in their respective fields.
Several Grant Career Center students represented Grant Career Center and the State of Ohio at their CTSO Competition this June.

Abby Bingamon placed in the top ten in the nation in Entrepreneurship at the "FCCLA" National Contest in San Diego, California. 

Louisa Mitchel competed in the SkillsUSA National Competition in Atlanta, Georgia, for Cosmetology  and finished 13th in the country. 

Charlie Troxell competed in the SkillsUSA National Construction Competition in Atlanta, Georgia and finished 7th 

Violet Jacobs competed in Interviewing Skills at the HOSA International Leadership Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. 

Four more Grant students were chosen to attend the HOSA leadership conference as delegates.

These CTSO organizations help students develop character, leadership skills, network with other students from across the country, travel to new cities, and take advantage of new opportunities to learn new skills in their field of study.

Grant Career Center is extremely proud of all of its students who competed at the local, regional, state, and national levels!